Akshay Surve to skip Olympic torch relay

Akshay Surve said on Wednesday that he will not be part of the Olympic torch relay in New Delhi this week as ... (I am sure you can imagine the rest of the story with references to Baichung, Aamir, Soha and now even Sachin.)

Media (specially, 24 hours news channels in India), please stop being elitist and flash the title of this post in your "Breaking News" section 😉 You can also use my head shot with the news 🙂

Please, I hold the sentiments of everyone who have accepted or even declined the offer to run in the Olympic torch relay in high respect. This rant of mine is only targeted towards the media.

Take the Pledge

Entrepreneurship Week India : Feb 2 - 9, 2008

E-Week India PLEDGE

If even one of the below resonates with you, please pledge:

Today, I renew my Pledge to an Entrepreneurial India.

I Will:

  • Break barriers between industry and academia
  • Foster information flow between the sectors
  • Regularly include entrepreneurs, industrialists, investors and professionals in campus programs
  • Find new and innovative ways for students to experience industry before graduation
  • Facilitate faculty interaction with industry
  • Work to bring the discoveries of the lab into society
  • Innovate in my work
  • Consider working for start up companies
  • Stop complaining – and start fixing the problems and barriers to entrepreneurial growth
  • Change my thinking from, “Why?” to “Why not?”
  • Continue, always, to dream big and work to bring those dreams to reality
  • Encourage and support others, so that we all might live in a richer, better India.

Take your Pledge here!