Doing Good

Villagers we met en-route to Harishchandragad
Villagers we met en-route to Harishchandragad

Every single day reinforces my fundamental belief that people are good and they would like to exercise this inherent urge to do good without having to go out of their way. - Akky

Creative Commons License

Till Eternity’s End

Lake Raleigh - (click to see the bigger version)
Lake Raleigh - (click to see the bigger version)

Trails could reach places
But the road couldn't

Woods were dark and motionless
But the birds weren't

Ripples travelled far and wide
But the water didn't

Time passed and skipped beats
But the moments didn't

Life will take a turn and shall try to move on
But thankfully the memories won't

- Akky

Creative Commons License

P.S: Liked this one? Would love to hear back from you. Click here to browse through few others. You may also like the Quote-Unquote series.

It’S iN the AiR

View from Peth Fort during Monsoon

Love is in the air
and its been a long time of despair.
Even I want to witness this affair.
- Akky

Creative Commons License

P.S: Attempt at writing a haiku. Would love to hear some feedback and extra points if you can guess the context right 🙂