
 - June 2010
Photo: Artist's Rendition - June 2010

किसे हम भी चाहें
कोई हमें भी प्यार करें

किसीके खयालों मैं हम खो जायें
कोई हमारी यादोंसे लिपटे सो जाए

किसीकी आँखों मैं झाँक कर हम बातोंको समझे
कोई अपनी पल्खे जुखाकर हमें समझाए

किसीसे हम भी रूठें
कोई हमें भी मनाये

किसे हम आँखोंसे ताखते रह जाये
कोई हमें बंद आँखोंसे अपना एहसास कराये

किसीको बाहों मैं लेकर हम दुनिया भुला दे
कोई बाहों मैं आकर एक नयी दुनिया बसा दे

- Akky

Creative Commons License

Let me…

Mumbai - Goa Biking Expedition - Dec 2007

I have not done some things
and left others undone
Take me back,
let me re-do.

I have not cared for some souls
and have hurt few others
Take me back,
let me re-care.

I have given up some things
and lost few others.
Take me back,
let me re-claim.

I have ignored some moments,
and not noticed others.
Take me back,
let me re-live.

- Akky

Creative Commons License

Design Refreshed, again :)

December 2009 - akshaysurve.com
Getting ready for 2011 - akshaysurve.com
Getting ready for 2011 - akshaysurve.com

Going into the new year, I thought I should change the look and feel of the site. This design change comes in with a series of other changes I seek to make on the site, my professional life and lifestyle as I take on 2011 head on. Cheers!

Sweet November

Malaka Spice

Into the night I wait
with closed eyes I await

A small nudge
and a soft whisper
Wake me up
this November

The feeling of a moist peck
and your warm breath
Don't let me sleep
this November

Hold me tight
and caress me right
Be with me
this November

It's been long
and we have been longing
Let's make love and
remember this as sweet November

- Akky

Creative Commons License


Mojito and Virgin Mary
Mojito and Virgin Mary

Been a while,
Not that I was waiting
Not sure what I was searching

If only I could describe
But it wasn't something I was missing
But there was indeed something amiss

Now that I realize
I was longing for you
I was longing for that sense of belonging...

- Akky

Creative Commons License

हर दिन नया चित्रहार

Alibaug to Goa Biking Expedition Dec 2007
Alibaug to Goa Biking Expedition Dec 2007

यह सुनेहरा असमान,
एक विशाल चित्रभूमि

यह समुन्दर की लहरें ,
असीम हैं उनके दायरे

यह सूरज का ढलना,
ढलना फिर उभरना

यह पंछीयोंकी उड़ान,
अमन का पैगाम

यह खूबसूरत समां,
हर दिन नया चित्रहार

- Akky

Creative Commons License

To Paradise and Back (again)


To the serene lake and
the misty mountain peaks
I dearly missed them
all this time

To the sound of silence and
star gazing at night
I am going to miss you
all the time

To the very special moments
and spotting the pink butterfly
I will treasure you
all my life

I am just back from
a trip to paradise
and now I wonder, why?

- Akky

Creative Commons License

P.S: To Paradise and Back revisited.