3rd cLaSs 3rd @ Colosseum’06


3 events that i was looking forward to...


3rd in Paper Presentation (Web2.0: A Paradigm Shift)
(not sure how many understood... neways wud like to giv it another try again someplace. was 3rd by a narow margin of 0.333)

3rd in Software Presentation (Qikblogger)
(my mistake didnt explain it well... esp that it allows 2 way communication which lagged in the one which came second. also sud get the hang of explainging things in the most complicated way to make them sound magnamus. was just a point behind the leader... it was a tie for the first place)

3rd in Web Designing (Delta Airways)
(was highest considering the scores given by 3 judges individually bt then when the points were averaged of all the four judges i was third (hpw u realize who the spoilsport was)... wat a surprise!!! itz now i realize the power of averaging)


i did participate... something which is very important[very few realize this]...( sounds lik a looser!!! 😉 bt then itz the way i see things ... itz the way is persist.... itz the way i njoy things tooo...


Colosseum'06 was the inter-college techfest organised in college which had loads of events. Though there were not many students from other colleges, it was competitive and fun.

I participated in the following events:

Web Design
C Programming
S/W Presentation
PAper Presentation
Tech Debate

Was fun competing with ppl you knw...! Esp... whn u knw their weak points. :p

My iNjUrEd left leg

There has been a lot of speculation about my leg injury and i need to clear the air around it due to a special request and also bcoz feel like broadcasting my foolishness. Let me also add that its not because of the marathon run!

Once upon a time we lived in a 700 sq. ft apartment. They were the good old days of glass windows, no sliding doors. Then came a decision of all flat owners to extend two rooms for some additional space . Now, everything went well but extending our hall exposed a beam which hangs at around 6.5 ft high. I know this doesn't sound so bad but then what one does with the resources at hand is very important. I feel like practicing a high flying kicks with it. No! its not a stress buster or anger management trick but I take it as a dare. I like to do it just to ensure I m in good shape. Now this was after i had recoverd from the marathon and I wantd to just chk whether I was back in shape.

So here I was, taking a initial start and deciding to give my 100%, I jumped in air and stretched my left leg as high as i could to reach my goal which I did. But on the way up I heard a loud click sound which had something really peculiar about it. Before I have heard so many click sounds, I knew something had gone wrong. I was a little disappointed that i missed my mark but then it was dinner time and I forgot about it and had my dinner and slept. Got up early in the morning because of a pulsating pain in my left ankle. Thats it!!!

Couldn't attend college for the next 3 days on account of the pain during the cult-techfest. On wednesday things were so bad that I was at the bus stop in Santacruz (where i catch the bus to my college) and had to go to a chemist and ask him for a pain killer. Did attend the next two days of college with pain killers offcourse.

Sad, couldn't attend the Annuals because the Doc told me pain killers is not the way its gonna get alright... give it rest... so here i m writing this post, giving it rest and wearing a ankle support.

EnTeRiNg tHe MoNKeY WoRLd

Finally I did pay a visit to Monkeyworld(read Greasemonkey) after enough speculation.

It didn't take time for me to write M$Killer after going through a few examples on diveintogreasemonkey.org

Intructions for use:

  1. Get Firefox.
  2. Install Greasemonkey. (Restart Firefox)
  3. Open M$Killer script in the browser.
  4. Choose Tools-> Install this User Script
  5. Tat's it!

To test the script Search Microsoft on Google

For the uninterested what this script does is simple... replaces the text 'Microsoft' with 'M$' in the browser window. It is for people having a problem with the name 'Microsoft'. Surprisingly, I am not one of them!

To gO OR NoT To gO ?


Q: Are u missing college?
A: Yes ! and No.

Q: Do you have other things to do?
A: Yes! Many...

Q: Do you do them atleast?
A: No !

Q: How long hav you not been to college?
A: Around 3 weeks now.

Q: Is anything substantial covered in college?
A: No (may be..?)

Q: Why do you want to go to colege?
A: I am concerned abt my attendance.

Q: Any other reason you want to go to college?
A: Cant think of any. I guess I dont wat to think of it!

Q: Is it too far?
A: I feel its far.

Q: Why?
A: Just not in the habbit of travelling all the way to college now. BTW I knw can also run all the way to college ;-)............. hahhaah LoL.

Q: What about next week?
A: May be will attend. Otherwise would be tough convincing profs abt me being in VIIIsem CE.

[Please leave comments abt what you feel...?]


I will be conducting a workshop in UMIT, Santacruz at 9:30am on Morphing (images) using Adobe Photoshop and it would be probably attended by atleast 100 students considering the enormous response the registration has recieved. Initially the workshop was to be conducted last semester but due to other prior appointments (;-) it didnt materialise.

By the way many more than 100 registrations have been recieved. Also, the other thing to note here is that Saturday being a holiday, if even 100 students (or for that matter 50) do make it for the workshop then it would surely be surprising for everyone including me.

Now, this is my BIG* day... hope I dont screw up.

Things I need to look out for:

  • Be on time... OR atleast try to.
  • Keep my ONE liners to myself and better concentrate on the topic.
  • Don't go overboard and jst show ppl fireworks and not show them the techniques to create them.
  • I also need to define what I am giong to cover. I hope everyone who attends the workshop feels more confident after attending it.

Things I need to seriously worry about:

  • Control my nerves... now this is going to be tough bcoz I would be the only male among 50-60 girls (per batch) in the lab.
  • Girls...girls and more girls. ( bachaaaaooOOoo)
  • Hope I get to see few familiar faces around... otherwise it is gonna be tough. If you are reading this then do come down and say hi. (acha lagta hai...)


*BIG- considering its the first time I am conducting a workshop in some other college

Update: Will update this place once I come from the workshop...

Wow I am back !

Just to put in on record I was a little(15 mins) late but then everyone was and so it wasnt embarassing at all. Sejal(UMIT CSI chair) did ask me to meet her at the ITW(Institute of Technology for Women) entrance and there I was standing quietly having no idea who she was. Though I was sure to recognised her as I had seen her during the Robotics competition in our college but wasnt sure which one of the four girls she was as we not formally introduced to eachother then. Finally, there I was gazing at my own creation on the notice board (logo of Colosseum poster) and jst wondering when Sejal would show up and take me to the karmabhoomi. And there she was walking camly towards me and I didnt take time to realize that it was her. We said our Hi's and she asked me if I would lik to see Barkha and I readily agreed. (BTW was good to meet you Barkha after so long...! and Nikita after so so so long...!!! Was wondering wher she was all this while...? No contact at all.. not even offlines? Didnt meet anyone else...). Later, she took me straight to the CC2 lab, well its the same lab where I had participated in the WebD competitions for the past two years(that means effectively spent 9 hours thinking in the same lab). Met Neha there. We hadn't met before but knew eachother(LoL). So sweet of her for making sure that I dnt get bored up there.

Now it was around 10:15 and everyone started assembling in the lab. I was so skeptical of ppl turing up on a Saturday for a workshop but then they did and soon the lab was on the brink of being overflown. It was hard for me to be inside waiting for them to get settled. So, there I was peeking at notice boards and calming myself down. Just to point the fact that final year student projects there were much more interesting then ones in our college.

Now it was time for me to start the workshop. Sejal gave a brief introduction about me stressing on the following keywords... frm DBIT, won webD competitions, now placed in Patni (this was a shocker). The workshop I would say was very typically ME... saying so bcoz I lik it if there is no script to stick to and everything jst bulids up as it needs to.

The first batch ended up at 12 and it was tiring. Was served a paneer frankie at the end of it which was much needed bt then made me feel a bit lazier. The first batch kept me on my toes all the time bcoz it was full and everyone I felt was entusiastic while the second batch was soft, coOL and laid back.

Did read the feedback sheet which was passed after the wrkshop and it was satisfying to say the least. Overall I must say it was a fulfilling experience for me and keep looking for more such opportunities in other colleges too.

Finally, my sincere thanks to Neha and Sejal for inviting me. It surely is a memorable experience... thnx so so much.