yEh kYa Ho RaHa Hai

my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over
my xamz are over

[i will say this 1000 times every morning and night before sleeping]
[can anybody jst pinch me.., cant believe my xamz got over]


wanna forget abt these xamz aas soon aas possible. not satisfied wid them. so dnt wanna write mch abt them.

rest is fine

take care

will get bak here after da xamz get over. gotta do a lot of things. i hpe 9th comes asap dnt mind even if i dnt get time to prepare for da xam...LoL .

jst wanna finish iT !

ShEs HoooOOOTTTTTtttttt !!!!!!!!!

Look at her :

Amrita Thapar [get more on her here]
23, Hair and Eye Color brown, 5'8"

I never found these Miss India galz interesting at all. [well most of them]
Bt ShEs HoooOOOTTTTTtttttt !!!!!!!!!! Absolutely HoooOOOTTTTTtttttt !!!!!!!!!! HoooOOOTTTTTtttttt !!!!!!!!!! HoooOOOTTTTTtttttt !!!!!!!!!! HoooOOOTTTTTtttttt !!!!!!!!!! HoooOOOTTTTTtttttt !!!!!!!!!! HoooOOOTTTTTtttttt !!!!!!!!!!

Hey m i drifting away a lil... i guess so ! concentrate on stuies dude. better strt studying now [may be tomm]... bye

a GoOd sTaRt

The paper was good overall, could have attempted more bt newways it was fine. Looking fwd for the next paper. Lets see how i utilise da 2 days I have on my hand?

rest is fine

take care

bE a SmArT FiNiShEr


all said and done. the PL [preparatory leave] is almost over now and just a few days to go. so wat is tat i want to say to myself now?

Be a Smart Finisher

Ya, watever is past, has already happened. What counts now is how you finish the game. Though a 'good start' is 'half da job done', a 'good finish' is 'battle won'.

Ask mom to take leave for da remaining days

LoL, this is the need of the hour. Nothing can substitute it.

Hope everything works out fine.

rest is fine

take care

SaMe oLd StOrY

SaMe oLd StOrY - xamz in a few days and me in a crunch situation

Are exams a
total waste?
Like I say
not my taste.

Why the hell
do I not learn?

Why do I wait
for the last junction?
Waiting for some
divine intervention

May be because
all I want are the marks.
Just to try
and escape those scars.

- Akky

Creative Commons License

for PPL who are born in APRIL

Active and dynamic.

Decisive and haste but tends to regret.
Attractive and affectionate to oneself.

Strong mentality.

Loves attention.

Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems.

Brave and fearless.


Loving and caring.

Suave and generous.



Good memory.


Motivates oneself and others.
Sickness usually of the head and chest.

Sexy in a way that only their lover can see.

I have again done some copy paste tat 2 frm fwds [which i most of the time dtn njoy much]. Bt dnt knw y all this seems so close to the real me [of which even i m not so sure]. hey dnt think i m boasting of myself a lot these days its jst tat i m avoiding to write abt my horrifying encounters wid my boooks. its so frightening tat i better not metion of it here.

neways do tell me if it somewhere matches wid ME [simple jst copy paste the triats tat u find match wid me, u can also add a few of ur own]

if u wanna knw abt ur birth month even then let me knw

rest is fine

take care

Do you attract the opposite sex???

Hey got this questionaire here:

Do you attract the opposite sex???

Hey, try it out and see how attractive you can be to the opposite sex.
1. Which place do u want to have a travel most?
A. Beijing ........................................go to q.2
B. Tokyo ........................................go to q.3
C. Paris .........................................go to q.4

2. Have you ever cried when u see a touching movie?
A. Yes......................................go to q.4
B. No..........................................go to q.3

3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend still has not come after an hour of your date with him/her, what will you do?
A. wait for another 30 mins.................go to q.4
B. leave immediately...........................go to q.5
C. wait until he/she comes..................go to q.6

4. Do u like to go to see a movie alone?
A. Yes......................................go to q.5
B. No..........................................go to q.6

5. When he/she asks for a kiss in your first date, what will you do?
A. Refuse...................................go to q.6
B. light kiss on his/her forehand...........go to q.7
C. Agree and kiss him/her...................go to q.8

6. Are you a humorous person?
A. I think I am.............................go to q.7
B. I think I am not.........................go to q.8

7. Do you think you are a capable leader?
A. Yes......................................go to q.9
B. No.......................................go to q.10

8. Which gender will you choose to be born if you are given a chance?
A. Male.....................................go to q.9
B. Female...................................go to q.10
C. I don't mind.............................Type D (go straight to results below)

9. Have you ever got more than one boyfriends or girlfriends at a time
A. Yes......................................Type B (go straight to results below)
B. No.......................................Type A (go straight to results below)

10. Do you think you are intelligent?
A. Yes......................................Type D (go straight to results below)
B. No.......................................Type C (go straight to results below)

Type A : Congratulations! You can extremely attract the opposite sex!
You possess a charming beauty in the eyes of them. You not only have a pretty figure, but also have a humorous and gentle personality. You should be a literate person and know how to get along with people and can allocate your time well, thus you are always popular among the opposite sex.

Type B : Quite good! You can easily attract the opposite sex, but you will
not easily into the loving trap. Your humor makes them want to get
along with you. He/She will be happy being with you!

Type C : Not bad! You cannot attract the opposite sex very well, but
you still have something good which make them like to get along with you.
You should be an honest person and have a unique view in seeing things.
You are quite friendly in the eyes of your friends.

Type D : Oh! You do not attract the opposite sex. You do not have much knowledge, and not much intrinsic humane values. You are too rude to the opposite sex. Thus you are not very popular among them

Is this questionaire flawed? It says i m of Type A... i m still wondering...

[hey do tell me which Type u fall into]