sHrEe gAnEsHaYaa nAmaAhAa…

[sing this...]
sem ka pehla fest
aur yeh sem ki pehle jeet
[guess which song is let me knw abt it..
me not good with songs.. bt i surely knw tat this is some popular song rhyme which i pickd]

sHrEe gAnEsHaYaa nAmaAhAa zala...

Won the WebD competition in Technozonva'05 organised by VJTI. I liked the format ...didnt hav to whack my brains for long like in other fests where the format of the competition demands you to work on the website for 3hrs [sometimes 3hrs elims+3hrs finals]. At VJTI it was a 20 mins elims where we had to recreate a website which they showd a glimpse of and then a rapid fire finals of 1 hr which rawkd. Never ever had i tried to make a website in a hour. It was FuN. Wanna see what I came up with in just one hour... click here >>> FuN Mall . A lady Prof. judged the event was particularly impressed by my work.

Even Nishant was there for programming contest which was in the same lab. He never misses them. Another interesting fact is that he knws most of the programmers in the college that he goes to and he makes sure that he tells them about me. They end up comming to me and saying "Hi hello.. I am Nishants frnd.. he tld me abt u .. tat u r good @ webD and u wud probably win.."
Feels good !!! Feels good !!! Feels good !!! bt i may not be da best at accepting compliments even if i like them 😉 Do let me knw wat u feel abt da same... !

Sure this sem would be rocKiNg... Its started good already !!!


i LiKe…

on the terrace a few days back after dinner saying to myself...

I like the darkness when the electricity goes.
I like the moonlight when there are no street lights.

I like balmy breeze around than the fan.
I like sounds that I miss in the daily chaos.

I like to observe things which I ignore.
I like to think where am I heading when I am lost.

I like to be unpredictable when people try to predict my moves.
I like to surprise by acting foolish.

I like to smile when I have nothing to do.
I like to lead when no one dares.

I like to find my weaknesses from your viewpoint.
I like to know things about me that others appreciate.

- Akky

Creative Commons License

hApPy iNdEpEnDeNcE DaY

nice way to wish independence day...

Akky : hey happy INdependence Day !
ManAsi : same to u
Akky : bharat mata ki...
ManAsi : jai.
Akky : vande
ManAsi : mataram
Akky : vande
ManAsi : matarem
Akky : jai hind !

[FuN and spontaneous]

Hats off to Spirit of Mumbai!

[Well jst qikly read thru this. Its wat Manav posted on our grps. Sums most of the fun tat we had on 26th bt surely not all. Writing style is also different (u wud knw if u hav read some of my earlier takes) bt gets the imp mesg thru. Dnt worry me wud be posting on da same sooOn.]

When Sir Amiya Tripathi came and announced the dismissal of lectures,
it seemed a great relief from the unstoppable, "nothing great",
exhaustive DSP lecture. It was however unknown what would soon follow.

Bridges were washed away, rail tracks submerged, telephone lines hit
and large areas suffered power cuts. Among the worst affected areas
were Bandra, Mahim, Matunga, Dadar, Santacruz, Byculla, Kurla,
Ghatkopar, Mulund, Thane and Badlapur. The city's lifeline, the train
services, were paralysed due to waterlogged tracks and thousands of
people camped in the stations where food stalls were kept open through
the night.

We (Myself, Akshay, PD) started our journey through rains viewing it
as an adventurous, thrilling experience filled with excitement.
However, later when we found BEST BUS then half dipped in water with
lots of DBITians inside, a wise thought stuck us to return to college
premises; which we did but not all DBITians turned up to our proposal.
So the fellowship(Myself, Akshay, PD) again made the move to the BEST
BUS. However, we could not make it due to impactful nature of rains.

Returning to college was like taking a shade under our own house.
Well, we had a great fun filled experience; who wouldn't have when
there are ppl like Adhwait, Neto, Ravi around!

Strange incidents were all around.
Myself and Akshay went in heavy rains to bring something to eat for
all. We went through the canteen wala back gate and to our shock, when
we turned back with vada-pavs we found it locked! Then Anna's Dal-Rice
were overheard being appreciated. Atleast Anna has something in the
good books!

Astonishing statements were made by all the profs around:

"Anyone found on 2nd floor during night would be directly rusticated."

"Don't even turn your head while you r on the second floor"

"(At 9'o' clock) Did u guys had your lunch already?"
Still curious to know what was on the second floor!

We played all the games possible out there. Then came the time to
sleep! We struggled here n there on the chairs to sleep, but in vain.
Thanks to Akshay, he came up with an excellent idea to remove the
curtains and sleep on it. So when our bed was ready, everyone jumped
onto it to grab a place! Sorry Adhwait, as we could give you just 6cm
of the place.

Morning due to cold , we found our throat chocked up, may be due to
cold, laughter, screaming. Even Adhwait could not sing his Morning
Raga. "I can sing only BASE songs properly" in his own words.
Anna's FREE Black tea would have done the trick for our singer. We
were all reloaded then to spend one more day(may be even night) in

It was indeed not a good time for Hygenious (hopefully correct
spelling) Neto around. Neto came on bike the same day. Neto
undefeatedly, patiently trying to call to his house right from 3 'o'
clock made a striking statement: "Mere ghar ka cell no. yaad nahi re
barabar se." Anish offered a great help by himself trying to call
from his cell atleast 100 times. Neto ended the first, and started the
other day by the same statement :- "Ae Anish, phone try kar na re!"

I had a good experience at hand and heartously SALUTE the SPIRIT of Mumbai
inspite of being SIX FEET UNDER, still keeps on going. Mumbai never stops,
Mumbai never sleeps! It has to go on. That's AAMCHI MUMBAI. Yeh Hain Mumbai Meri

my rEsULTs R oUt. gOt 65%

Hey aLL my results are out.

got 65%. feels good bt also scary.

scary bcoz once again it was less efforts and more mrks.

someone rightly said 'Engineering is not Hardwork, its jst Cleverwork'.

this is wat I feel when it comes to engg. examz...

Its simple,
to pass in engineering,

Its even simpler,
to get a KT.

Realizing this 'simple' thing makes a hell lot of difference in your approach and it is this approach which defines an individual.

AlL in all its been a gr8 year... and a good start to da Final Year as welll

I already have a list of things ready to try in this final year. Will wrk hard for them !

Hey not to forget... thnks everyone for praying for me... [I m sure u did pray for me] UR goodwishes sure did count. Thnks so mch.

Rst is fine

Take care.

cAmPuS PlAcEmEnT @ DBIT for Patni

Well Patni was the first to come to our college. No one was tat xcited abt it comming to our college bcoz Patni is not one of the companies that you wud lik to try da first time. The reason being tat its not the highest payer and also tat it leeches a lot of wrk out of you[which i dnt mind]. But I mst say frm the ppl i spoke to its gr8 to work there as a fresher. Nothing like Patni when it comes to gaining xperience. Now abt the whole procedure...

We were told tat ther was an aptitude test on 20th of June and pre-placement activity for a couple of days before it. I missed da Mahabaleshwar trip [wid my mom, masi and cousin varsha] to prepare for it. Had been to college for the first day of pre-placemeent activity on 17th. It wasnt anything spl bt nevertheless I got to play Tennis for 3-4 hrs in college. I decided tat the next 2 days I would sit at home and jst got thru RS Agarwal Quantitative Aptitude.

I must say the book is really good and it covers everything from Ist to Xth std. It took me 2 days to go thru most of the important sections of the book. I felt comfortable wid Maths once again after my Xth std.

I made a winning resume wid the help of my cousin Sushil. I used up all his Sunday afternoon for it [poor guy he jst gets a Sunday off]. By the end of the I was very confident abt my resume.

On the day of the interview I started reading thru the previous yr Patni pprs. I had hrd a lot of it repeats. We all assembled in college @ 9:00 as we were tld to. It was very unprofesional of the Patni ppl to come at 12 [they mst be having their own reasons]. Though within no time we were given the answer sheets and xplained abt the marking scheme [+1 and -1]. All the questions were of Quantitative Type only.

There wre abt 8-10 question which repeated and fortunately I remeberd the ans for most of them. I did find the other questions quite easy. Actually I only answerd the questions tat I was quite sure of. The last 10 questions were too simple. I feel sorry for the ppl who didnt reach there bcoz of time constraints.

Then there was this Presentation frm the Patni ppl which was intersting. Then the results for the aptitude were announced.

I was IN ! 18 ppl cleared the aptitude.

We were divided in 2 grps for a GD. The topic for us was "Global terrorism and its effect of IT Industry". My opinion was that,

The IT industry is maturing and thus is not diretly affected by terrorism [bcoz the statistics say for themselves... the IT industry has only grown after 9/11] but terrorism directly affects the People and this is one thing which we cannot ignore. The IT industry can play a major role today to curb cyber terrorism which may be the next big thing after 9/11 in the near future.

After the GD the results were announced immediately and we were told tat it wasnt a elimination procedure bt jst to get us tlking nothing else. So everyone cleared it.

Were were told that the interview may be tomm or day after. I felt good bcoz i wud get a chance to brush up my C, C++ [strt frm scratch] and JAVA.

I started wid C++ and it tokk me a lot of time. By the next day I learnt thaat we wud hav an Interview on Friday da 24th 2:00pm @ Patni office. It was da same day whn Masi and Varsha wer gonna leave for Delhi. I spent da whole time I got to read abt C++ and also strengthen my resume. First I was gonan giv Amol a surprise if everything wud hav finished in a day or two bt since it took long I informed him. I sent him my resume and askd for his help. He relied wid a lot of chnges. He also suggested a one page resume which even I likd and the finally decided tat I need to mak my resume of jst one page. We workd on it for a long time online wid many chnges to the sentence formations, placement and design. Amol even helpd me to form my career objective [actually he wrote it for me and i felt i cud relate to it and so its in my resume now].

Finally it was Friday. I was all set for the Big day. Had said my goodbyes to Masi and lot of luv to Varsha. While I was tiying the knot of my tie I recieved a call frm Manav tat the interviews have been postponed bcoz of rains. This was the last thing I expected to happen and I was completely lost. I somehow kept cool confirmed the news and then jst kept quite. Good Varsha was here andI got to pass some time and ponder abt things.

I decided to go for this trek to Peth-Bhimashankar, bocz there was nothng else taht i cudd think of doing in the weekend. I learnt abt this trek frm Yahoo grps which I had subscribed after my first trek to Harishchandragad. Mom said a clear "NO" whn i tld her abt it. She wasnt comfortable wid the rainy season and i cudnt convince her tat it was the best time. I knew my parent wud agreee bt dint knw when. I prayed they agreed before it was too late and i cud co-ordinate wid others and leave for the trk in the monring.

Later in da day I went to see off Masi and Varsha. Kissed them goodbye.

LAter had a tought time convincing my parents and then co-ordinatin wid others. BT i finnaly made it and u can read abt the whole adventure in my next post.

Came back on Monday mornig at 1 and did sleep for a long time. Then again slept in the afternoon. Did make the final chnges in the resume and got them printed.

Day of the interview...

Was on time [not lik always... hahaha]. The office was nice. Now straight abt the interview...

My interview was taken by Divya Pandey some Senior manager of Product Engg division. She was relly cool and composed. Also she was completly informal bt i kept my coposure and distance.

Divya: Wats ur name..
Akky: My name is Akshay ... Akshay Surve [i was stuill stnding]
Divya: Take a seat .. eb comfortable
Akky: Thnks.. [neways i was feeling conmfortable]
Divya: So r u frm the same college as Keith [he was in befor me]
Akky: Ya mam bt I m in Computers and he was frm Elec and Tele.
Divya: Oh nice so wat all programing langs u had
Akky: C, C++, JAVA and I also knw VB, PHP [i was praying she doesnt ask me anythin more abt C++ and JAVA]
Divya: gr8, so tell me diff of Java and C++
... then a few more JAVA questions... which I did answer to my best of knowledge and i uess satisfactorily 🙂
Akky: Mam we jst had JAVA for a mini project.
Divya: oki fine.. then r u comfortable wid C
Akky: Ya mam I am.
Divya: then she wrote some code and askd me tat will this run in C.
Akky: I did answer it rightly. I also let her knw tat da code wudnt run in C++. and wud un only in C
Divya: Do u knw Data Structure and alLL..
Akky: Ya
Divya: A coulple of questions on DS then .... [stack, Q , lnklist, doubly link list, heaps etc]
Akky: I did ans most of them well [she did try and trick me also bt it was xpected] I dint bluff in there. lik i didnt knw abt heaps and I tld so.
Divya: do u have any Qs for me.
Akky: Ya mam...[I had to get her to Web Programing somehow... loL this is called chipkaneka in Sushil Dada's terms...] I wud like to knw whether Patni in more into Desktop applications or Web based enterprise solutions.
Divya: ya.. it is ....and its doing equally well.... blah blah blah ......
Akky: oh ncie
Divya: Why did u ask me this...
Akky: Mam bcoz I m more interstd in web programing. blah blah blah
Divya: Y so
Akky: Bcoz i hav done this and this ..... blah blah blah ....... [this was my chance to be in the limelight]
Divya: Oh nice then I mst mention this .. which she did in da form in frm of her.
[I felt i almost clinched it]
Divya: do u knw abt DBMS ....
Akky: Ya
Divya: wat abt BCNF
Akky: Boyce cord normal form
Divya: wat is it
Akky: Mam we have 3 NFs and BCNF comes after them... and BCNF is tough to remember .. [hahha. LoL {bt a contraolled one}]
Divya: hehehehe....... LoL
Divya: Then tel me abt 2NF
Akky: blah blah ba .......
Divya: tats all then .... you may leave
Akky: Thnk U mam

I felt good. Bt I am sure she didnt even look at my resume.

Got to knw the results [17 out of 18 were selected... i m srue they jst pickd some random person frm us and eliminated him] by evening after some hacking @ their office.

Tats ALL... nothing gr8, bt newways Welldone !

eVeNtFulL wEeK

Many things haapnd this week.

Will update u aLL abt it tomm.

I do hav an interview of Patni tomm. Lets see how it goes >?

i LuV ChAtANi bt NoT PaTaNi

hey PCS is comming to our college on 20th of this month. Still i m not sure whether I sud go for it or not. Not sounding too confident tat i wud surely float thru da selection procedure bt u never knw how miracles happen and if i do get selectd then i do goota sign some bond. Hey if u guys have a suggestion then plz do let me knw.

Hey had been to college for da same reason. Ended up playing lawn tennis for hours together. Cool game esp if u get ur serve right.I wud get it right wid 50% accuracy . Hey though I dnt look lik a pro bt somehow i can play by da rulez. Its a tough game and now i feel like saluting steffi, anna,maria and others [or may be hugging, kissing,...]

wil keep u aLL updated abt wat happens on 20th. frnds once again pray for me... LoL lik i pray for everyone i knw at night.