I am Anna Hazare

Portrait of Anna Hazare by Siddharth Iyer (link below)

I have bribed a few, Took the easy way through
But all along the way, I knew I was not true

Then Along came a man, Who voiced my opinion
His words echoed in the hearts of a billion population
Showed us how we could stand for what we believe in
And now I say no more to corruption, Bcz I am Anna Hazare.

I read in the books, about the father of our nation
But none after him taught me, how to put those words into action.

Then Along came a man, Who voiced my opinion
His words echoed in the hearts of a billion population
Showed us the way to put Gandhi's words into action
And now I say no more to corruption, Bcz I am Anna Hazare

I watch in dismay, as bigger scams unfold everyday
But I see no punitive action. I feet robbed; I feet raped.

Then Along came a man, Who voiced my opinion.
His words echoed in the hearts of a billion population,
Talked less, but prompted us to take the first step.
And now I say no more to corruption, Bcz I am Anna Hazare.

I was not born when freedom fighters gave their life for the nation.
But if we don't stand up today, it would mean disrespect to their contribution.

Then Along came a man, Who voiced my opinion
His words echoed in the hearts of a billion population,
He shouted a battle cry, to fight for India, Against Corruption
And now I say no more to corruption
Bcz I am Anna Hazare

- Written by Akky

Creative Commons License

P.S.: Image uploaded above is a Portrait of Anna Hazare by Siddharth Iyer (source).

I hop… I takeoff!

I am always pre-occupied. At times when I am alone I feel I am not. It’s a strange feeling I can’t explain. Dreams, thoughts, things and todos have been clogging me for time immemorial. 

With all this in the back of my mind, I begin. Still not sure if it’s an escape or a journey. Unclear whether I am seeking or simply exploring. Not so surprisingly, where is inconsequential. It could have been anywhere. Although, time was critical. This should have happened last year but it didn’t. I am happy that I am finally taking off. Good that things happen, when they happen and how they happen. I am in no mood to complaint. 

I am in debted to all who made this possible in spirit. A doff of hat to near and dear ones. I love you and without your support I couldn’t have come out of the matrix.

About this blog

I don't dope but the reference to 'tripping' is not just a coincidence. 'Tripping' is a blog I have started to share my thoughts as I begin a 45 day backpacking trip in Europe with Varun. Keep checking for more..:)


How you make me feel

Sinhagad, Maharashtra - 2010

Your thought keeps me in present,
Your thought keeps me lost.
At times I lose my sleep,
At times I find myself.

You make me feel loved,
You make me feel missed.
At times I feel apart,
At times I feel very near.

If only words could describe,
How you make me feel.
If only words could describe,
How it feels to feel complete.

You feel like a dream,
You make me feel real.
At times I don't wanna fall asleep,
At times I don't wanna wake up.

You make me feel high,
You make me feel low.
At times I can barely keep afloat,
At times I feel I can fly.

If only words could describe,
How you make me feel.
If only words could describe,
How it feels to feel complete.

- Akky

Creative Commons License

One hell of a night…

Hutatma Chowk, Mumbai

A fullmoon sight,
Some curiosity and delight

A calming breeze,
An unassuming ease

Loose sand,
No mans land

An epic walk,
Some useless talk

Empty roads,
Two wandering souls

String of lights,
One hell of a night

- Akky

Creative Commons License

Walk into my dreams…

Walk into my dreams,
with closed eyes.
I shall surprise you,
And hold you from behind.

Unfold into a dance,
As you open your eyes.
I shall roll you back,
And hold you tight.

Whisper in my ears,
It's about time.
I shall hit the snooze,
One more time 🙂

- Akky

Creative Commons License

What it means for me, when I say, ‘I love you’?

Unknown Artist - June 2010

For some time,
I would wonder
What it means to me,
when I say, 'I love you'?

Is it the anticipation
Is it curiosity
Is it the butterflies.

Or is it the pain,
Is it the disappointment,
Is it the heartbreak.

Now with time
I think, I know
What it means to me,
when I say, 'I love you'...

I mean to say
that I would be true
Be right or wrong,
but still be true, with you

I mean to say
that I really care
About you, for you
Now and forever

I mean to say
that I really respect
What you think, What you believe
Your values are also mine

- Akky

Creative Commons License


 - June 2010
Photo: Artist's Rendition - June 2010

किसे हम भी चाहें
कोई हमें भी प्यार करें

किसीके खयालों मैं हम खो जायें
कोई हमारी यादोंसे लिपटे सो जाए

किसीकी आँखों मैं झाँक कर हम बातोंको समझे
कोई अपनी पल्खे जुखाकर हमें समझाए

किसीसे हम भी रूठें
कोई हमें भी मनाये

किसे हम आँखोंसे ताखते रह जाये
कोई हमें बंद आँखोंसे अपना एहसास कराये

किसीको बाहों मैं लेकर हम दुनिया भुला दे
कोई बाहों मैं आकर एक नयी दुनिया बसा दे

- Akky

Creative Commons License

Let me…

Mumbai - Goa Biking Expedition - Dec 2007

I have not done some things
and left others undone
Take me back,
let me re-do.

I have not cared for some souls
and have hurt few others
Take me back,
let me re-care.

I have given up some things
and lost few others.
Take me back,
let me re-claim.

I have ignored some moments,
and not noticed others.
Take me back,
let me re-live.

- Akky

Creative Commons License

Design Refreshed, again :)

December 2009 - akshaysurve.com
Getting ready for 2011 - akshaysurve.com
Getting ready for 2011 - akshaysurve.com

Going into the new year, I thought I should change the look and feel of the site. This design change comes in with a series of other changes I seek to make on the site, my professional life and lifestyle as I take on 2011 head on. Cheers!