DaY 17

Rest Day... again

[Still trying to recover from the 11km run... getting a little tense about the condition of muscles and possibility of an unwelcome injury]

rEaLiTy cHeCk

1st Week
Time: 95 mins
Distance: 26km

Ran as much as I could and then walking for sometime and then again running for as long as I could. Started the week with around 10 min jogs which were followed by 5 to 7 min ones. I realized I wasted a lot of time just walking and taking a break from jogging which I felt I need to change.

2nd Week
Time: 190 mins
Distance: 37 km

Considerably doubled my timing but not the distance as I slowed down my pace. Also, I decided to run continuously rather than take breaks in between. I (and even the pros) now feel that I over-worked myslef. Should have rested my body a little more and given it time to adjust. Realized a few cool things though like 'finally its a mind game' and 'pain is just a sensation... (credit: Vipassana)' which one can easily happen to ignore after sometime. This is what I trained my mind to believe and this week being one of the highlights of the training schedule.

DaY 15

Time: 10 mins
Distance: 1.xx km

Couldn't run much... i guess the 11km run had a big toll on me. But still just went for a jog. Chandpreet was here after celebrating his new year in Goa and being on a world tour for around 2 months. Interestingly just happened to discuss about the half marathon with him and was pleasantly surprised after hearing of his experiences of the London Marathon 2005. He did underwent the well-known 12 week training schedule and I also happened to learn that I just over-worked my body and I need to rest it enough to give my 100% on the race day.

ReSoLuTiOnS for 2006

I believe one doesnt have to wait for 1st Jan to make resolutions, any time is just appropriate as long as you stick to them. Though I feel making resolutions on the 1st is always simpler. Feels like leaving behind everything you did and starting afresh. I knw a lot of people do avoid making resolutions not because they don't have any but jst because they(even me) can't stick to them. The only thing I want them(and even me) to knw is:

There is no harm in making a conscience effort towards your goal, unless you don't want to achieve it.


So here is my list:

  • NOT to remain invisible on messenger anymore. (LoL, i knw being invisible was annoying to quite a few(i guess aLL) ppl. Sorry for the same.)

[Will update this soON, also not mentioning the personal ones!]

fLaShBaCk>> 2005


IDeas'05 memories
nO i AiNt bUsY nOw!
tHiS wAs bOuNd To HaPpeN oNcE (loss in webD)
finally ......... Mandrake is BaCk
CResCEndo -- a good end to this season
finally... someone did post a comment !
hApPy HoLi
i M iN dEsPrAtE nEeD oF hELp (poetry)

ideas, ideas and more ideas... yup iDeas05 jst rockd for me... still can't get it out of my head!


yA rIgHt pLz bEaWaRe... [ 1st April ]
tHe GaMe CoNtInUeS...
mY NaTiVe pLaCe
iMpOrTaNcE oF 40
LuCkY - no time for studies [my luckiest day]
15 XpErIMeNtS in 5 hOuRs.
iT's mY BiRtHdAy !!!
BiRtHdAy rEMiNdErS
FiRsT rECiPe oN <>
xAmS fRoM tOmM

played all sorts of pranks on april foOLs day and continued playing for another couple of days. month ended with boring submissions...


ViVaS So fAr
OOAD -- OoYeDi
ViVa RhYmE
dA DaTeS ArE OuT
Do you attract the opposite sex???
for PPL who are born in APRIL
SaMe oLd StOrY
bE a SmArT FiNiShEr
iTs 28 May, 2005
a GoOd sTaRt
ShEs HoooOOOTTTTTtttttt !!!!!!!!!

somethin i jst LUV... ViVas !!! couldn't get my eyes off Amrita Thapar... LoL. though me not thinking of her anymore.


yEh kYa Ho RaHa Hai
i LuV ChAtANi bt NoT PaTaNi
eVeNtFulL wEeK
WeLL , patni gOt LuCkY i gUeSs !
cAmPuS PlAcEmEnT @ DBIT for Patni

got placed... hippiee!!! cheers!!! (<< for ppl who feel i m fortunate... for others (including ME) theres still good news abt to come)


my rEsULTs R oUt. gOt 65%
LiFe is jSt gEtTiNg mOrEe bOrInGg

results OUT... nothing more to rejoice. 26/7 happens. Jst cant forget abt 26/7... i bet no one can. its not jst 26/7 bt the whole week which was not jst a learning experience... but a life changing experience.


Hats off to Spirit of Mumbai!
hApPy iNdEpEnDeNcE DaY
i LiKe...
sHrEe gAnEsHaYaa nAmaAhAa...
MaMmU mst now have reached US

jst tried to sum-up things 'i LiKe' bt fell short of words... will try and complete it sometime. my only sister mamta left for US.


LoRi in GuJuRaTi ....!
hey its been long since my last update !!!
TrEk to Mahuli

Oye! another TrEk... with Amit and Manav to paradise.


Kshana - Moments of Celebrityhood
|| Shree Ganeshay Namah ||
I m ...
am i wrong...
Placement Activity
NeW LoOK... Hows iT ?

did experience first hand how celebrities would feel whn their fans go crazy!!! SchooL_Friends jst started buzzing with mails from everyone immedialtely after a wake-up call from Akshata. Did indulge in writing some very depressing black thoughful rhymes...LoL (well not as bad as i put it)


SoMeThInGs... sPeCiAL. about DiWaLi moORNing
iTZz SMS tiMe !
ViVaS So diFFeReNt yEt sO SoMiLaR
SaMpLe sAys...
pLaNs... pLaNs and more pLaNs
Qikblogger is launched !!!
CoUnTdOwN already started...
pLz dRaW a LiNe...
cAn U SpOt tHe DiFfErEnCe
CoUnTdOwN continues...
CoUnTdOwN still continues...
a DaNgErOuS GaMe iS aBoUt tO BeGiN...
Intelligent Systems

Diwali...preparatory leave... vivas... countdown to the xamz. hey i m 6ft. now LoL DiD U SpOt tHe DiFfErEnCe??? Qikblogger is launched... now this is news.


Advanced Miroprocessor
MaStEr bLaStEr...!!!
aLLAaaHH HoOooh aKbAr aLLAaaHH ....
Digital Signal Processing
Mobile Computing
Software Engineering
MuMbAi oN ThE RuN
TrEk to Mahuli again
ScHoOL_FrIeNdS just get CoNnEcTeD
TrEk ki YaAdEiN DoStOnKi zUbAaNi...
fLaShBaCk>> 2005

all those xamz... sachin's 35th test ton... preparing for Mumbai Marathon 2006... aWeSoMe trek to Mahuli with SchooL_Friends... so so wonderful to get in touch with school friends again.

So wattasay?? Wasn't 2005 mEmOrAbLe!!! It sure was and thnks to my blog I could relive those moments once again jst reading thru the posts.

Just reminds me of the scene in Bluffmaster when Boman Irani questions Roy(Abhi) [though cant recollect it completely but bhavanaonko samjho]: Tumhe kya kya yaad hai... voh tumhara pehla suit... pehli ghadi... har voh choti choti baat jo tumhare dil ko chu gayi... kya tumhe yaad hai". For me this question would be pretty simple to answer... LoL well aLmOsT!

TrEk ki YaAdEiN DoStOnKi zUbAaNi…

Hey... thought of writing abt the trek bt better let me share with you aLL how we (I+Friends) felt abt the TrEk...


Hi guys................

Hope i am the first to reciprocate after the treckin expeditions....not coz i am too longin or desp to be the one to begin or be the frst to comment.............but like i tried sleepin .n as i shut my eyez....wat i cld see were those descedin steps of Mahuli.........found my self figurin out my way dwn those steps evn in my for a change i'll initiate the chain................:)
Sandeep:Hi all,
This was my first trek eva... Haven't been on any treks before... I'm
waiting desperately for the photographs...
I will write about the moments that i will recollect when i close my eyes
and which i'll never forget..
1.My going back home as soon as i arrived to get the battery...( yaar video
ke bina trip adhura lagta)
2.Asangaon to mahuli walk... I feel if we hadn't walked this
stretch,everyone wud have reached top with less pain...
3.Akshay mummy being so over-concerned
4.Clearing accounts all the way
5.Nikita's screaming
6.Those breaks that we took in the shades
7.THE CALL when we scaled it
8.Touching the flag
9.Water of the Talav.. Truly heaven
10."Nahin jaana hai" Rock
11 Lunch at the top(Frankly how many times you've had lunch at a height of
around 2000m)
12.The descent
13.Singing all the way up.
14.Irritating everyone wid my singing,camera and stupid comments
15.When i saved akshay and akshat from slipping(hehe nothing juss happened
i'm makin it sound more anecdotal)
16.Drawing out water from the well


nt sounding too cliche.......adding few words n sharing experiences of the trek..........away from civilization and modern amenities this trek was an unique opportunity to catch a peek .The experience is overall exhilarating. It din require much climbing experience……..hey n some of us proved it ;….;kudos to all the frst timers. n1 with sound health( exceptions allowed …like .akshat who was unwell) can do the fruitful climb. The bottom line is itz a mind game .Navigating thrugh steep hills u can hear our mentor(akshay) cum mommie say take baby steps……. don let urself get fatigued …………WE HAVE ALMOST REACHED……..CAN U C D FLAG…which I couldn’t figure out almst till the end of trek .alas there v see flag fluttering in the wind .here we heave a sigh of more climbing.......n sigh of joy.....sense of reaching the height

Wise words……….during the .task never get discouraged……………be persistant to attain the goal … the strength to keep ur spirits high ……..b urself………..njoy urself ………….

The attained experience is extremely rewarding and rejuvenating
One wld never know y each one climbed …………….. to‘ attain the sense of height ………….to check the mind power………… spirit …………sense of success………. personals satisfaction ………..simply fun…… just to enjoy……of boredom...chalo kuch karthe hai....kuch kaam nahi......…..
Unless u r a loner .the essence of climbing is team work……………………..…wat say guys….

When it comes to ……. never giving up…we r proud of wat we have done…

Akshay(Tats ME):

I remember repeating this so many times that "Destination for us is
only a point from which we can get back home safely" - Akky but
somewhere in the back of my mind I wanted everyone to make it to the
top and i suceeded(so what if partially). Since most of us were first
timers its always gr8 to reach the summit in your first attempt.

I knew the key to reach Mahuli summit is two-fold first is covering
the initial part of the trek (reaching the base + overcomming those
monotonous steps) and then once you hav your goal (the flag in this
case) in front u woudnt need much motivation from my side.

I remember almost each one(except for Jasmine) of you asking me how
long wud it take NOW and me replying "Not much OR Lets cover this
patch OR There is this interesting valley on the other side OR Now the
steps wud get over OR Hey we are jst getting close OR Can u spot the
Jain Mandiram there see how far we have come so soon (now this was
true... bt u all cudnt see it) OR Its nice and coOL thru the thick
forest isnt it (jst to mak u all feel better) OR briefing you abt the
terrain (u knw it always helps to knw what you are gettin into)". But
i guess all this lies was worth it and hope you realize that its jst a
MIND GAME. Now , once you had you goal in front of you I m sure there
was no reason not to go for it.

Also you all pulling my leg by calling me all sorts of names jst workd
in you favour bcoz you wud get those few secs to think abt pulling my
leg rather that thinking how tired you were. Also, there is a nice
coOL name to call a person lik me on the trek 'Trek Leader' bt gud u
didnt call me with it bcoz it wud be so embarassing as Trek Leaders
are much more experienced than I am.

I must say it was so satisfying for me to do the honours by shouting
the 'Jay Gunj' (do chk the video for it... Sandy told me that its cum
awesome)at the top. Thnks so so much.

I had planned another trek in this week but i cancelled it bcoz this
trek has been so satisfying. I can still recollect every bit of it as
it was jst yesterday.


My or rather our first trek and we all……...well almost all of us completed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s a real gr8 feeling!!! And the icing of the cake was the fact that we 11 school friends were meeting together after a span of 5 year !!!!!! I wish more ppl could make it but maybe sometime…….later…………..

………like the fact tht we all cribbed and cribbed abt the distance tht we had to walk………I agree tht the distance was way too much than any of us expected but the fact remain true that half the time the cribbing was totally unnecessary……………

……………….i have never cribbed in my life so much !!!!!!!!!!!!……….but I thoroughly enjoyed cribbing frm the night before the trek, through the entire trek and till dadar station arrived while returning………..the cribbing started at asangaon station and so did the LIES(Tats for ME)!!!!!!!!!!!!

……………..lies, lies ,lies, lies , wrong facts, more lies abt the time required to reach the base and the top…………and the list is endless…………god !!!!!!!!!!!!
how can someone have the stamina to do so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hats off to u(Tats ME again) dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!

……………….the naming ceremony of our grp leader…………..mommie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

……………….the naming ceremony of the piece of rock which was a mute witness to the arguments and the counter-arguments …………if the trek should continue or not………….

……….spotting the flag and the pic taken with the flag in the background…………….

…………………some screamed because they were scared of wht they saw
some screamed coz they r compulsive screamers
some screamed for fun
some screamed to scare others
some screamed because of the lies
some screamed coz others screamed

…………………or the fact tht mommie was abt to have a big fall [ as a result of skidding on soil or trippin……..god alone knows ] on a piece of flat land as he was busy tryin to imagine mallika sheravat in tanishaa’s clothes and managing to do a “halla re halla re “……………….guys u all missed tht moment too hilarious to pen down……………we were laughin our heads off!!!!!!!!!!!

so many things to mention, yet so little time…………….but all in all a gr8 outing……………

“ The triumph of achievement was worth the effort “

Pics from the Trek:
packing my bag apunka compartment ek haseena do khiladi shikhar lunch on the top cave vistory flag descent 13 of us at dadar station

Click on the image below to look at the complete album:

DaY 13 (Leaping towards FiNiShInG LiNe)

Time: 60 mins
Distance: 11.xx km

[Every km increase needs and exponential increase in effort. I know 11 km is no big deal just half way considering 21km but you never know how things change when you achieve the goals you set for yourself. Previously I would tell myself that I just need to cover 11km running the rest I can easily walk. But since already achieved the goals I set for myself now I need to set it higher. How about running the whole 21km. Now this sounds possible, doesn't it? Can't find any reasons or evidence which suggests it doesn't!!!]