Humanity to Others ;-)

Ubuntu which means 'Humanity to others' is back with its latest version Ubuntu 7.04 whose release code name is 'Fiesty Fawn'. It was released on my birthday April 19th. Isn't it a cool birthday gift >? LoL I have kept my desktop for an upgrade to this new version and I am really excited about it.

Looks like my vacation is over. Doesn’t it?

Hi everyone,

If you are reading this post from a feed reader then I must remind you that it currently looks like my vacation is over and you can visit my homepage.

Everyone who was saw this message "Hey I am on a vacation and so is my homepage" few months back would now be presently surprised.

Keep Checking and do give me some feedback about the structure of the website and wateva u feel like.

warm regards,

Akshay Surve

Did I tell you my research paper got accepted?

The research paper "Optimizing Web Search Results using User Feedback" based on the prototype feedee has been accepted at the International Conference on Business and Information (Tokyo, Japan).

I am really excited about it. Not sure whether I would be able to make it to the conference (anyone ready to finance?). I would like to congratulate Manav (co-author) and our guide Prof. Amiya Tripathy (co-author). Big thanks to DBIT(Don Bosco Institute of Technology), Dr. Revathy Sundarajan, Dr. S. Krishnamoorthy, Reshma Nayak (who also burnt some mid-night oil 😉 and so many others.

I would surely try working on another paper as it been a full-filling journey and this time it would be more concrete and thorough.

Of smooches and kisses

Few months back we had Rakhi Sawant & Mikka:

Now we have Richard Gere and Shilpa Shetty in top gear:

Rakhi looked upset about the whole thing but Shilpa may be liked it :p. Shilpa in her TV interview tried justifying the act by saying "Atithi Devo Bhava (Guest is like GOD)". Isn't that giving a whole new meaning to this adage? What was she thinking?

Techno-Entrepreneurship Program: Day 2

I had to skip my breakfast early in the morning as I got up a little late. I wouldn't mind skipping some more early breakfasts' for some real discussion like the one yesterday at night.

Day 2 started with Madhu Bahai's session on "Finding Fertile Ground". He covered most of the topics from book with the same name (read more from here). Though, it was his insight and real life experiences were the ones to look forward for throughout the session.

Next up was "Building Cultures and Ethos in New Age Ventures" by Mr. Thyagarajan. We discussed (back in 2001) as a case study. There were considerable number of people who found the hiring, compensation and growth of the company unsatisfactory. Some even commented that the sole reason people would stick to this organisation which strives to provide good culture and thus pays 15% lesser than the industry standard is because the employees attain a comfort level. I wouldn't agree with this as I strongly believe in the "Employee s come first" philosophy. To add to it Mr. Thyaghrajan also summed some fundamental principle new age ventures should likely follow, which include honesty, work philosophy (fairness) and desire to serve people. I couldn't agree more with this thinking. Also. he stressed on WIM (what's in it for me) & WIU (what's in it for us) philosophy where the employees and employer have a clear understanding.

[updated later]

After lunch there was a session by Chirag Patel of Net4Nuts. The journey of Net4Nuts started with a web based product and now they are into mobile based value added services. He had his own list of Ps which he elaborated on. Few of the things I recollect are:
- Everyone is important. Everyone here involves just about everyone from employees, to customers and to even the accountants.
- Don't compromise with people you hire.
- Be always aware about the environment you are in.
- Be fast to change.

I was very curious about session on "Fundamentals of Finance for Entrepreneurs" by Bharat Kanani (Sr. Vice President, GVFL). The session was too quick for me to follow or may be it was lack of sleep. The only thing about accounting I know is "Debit the reciever, credit the giver", thanks to a week of commerce I attended at Narsee Mohanjee College of commerce. I would surely love to do a short course on commerce (do you know of any?). I had years back also tried to read "The Economic Times" regularly while on my bus journey to college in the morning. Most of the time (may be all times) I ended up having a refreshing sleep.

The last session of the day was by Chirag Mehta of IceNet. IceNet is a very well known ISP in Gujarat and very few (may be only one) who survived the competition from biggies like BSNL, Reliance etc. Now IceNet is also into product development with their flagship product Cyberroam client. He had a very interestion story of the tortoise and the hare to share which starts exactly from where the popular story we know ends.

During the day had some long discussions with Prof. Santosh Pullewar, Prof. Surinder Singh (both teach at Indira Institute of Management) and Neelkantappa H. s. I found them pretty receptive and humble.

Need I say looking forward for Day 3 ?

Techno-Entrepreneurship Program: Day 1

Day 1 of the Techno-Entrepreneurship Program lived upto its expectation.

Here is the schedule for the day: Day 1

The morning session started with Prof. B.H. Jajoo going through the program structure. He stressed on the fact that it was just a getting wet exercise and not swimming. He also stressed on the intensive nature of the program which is very true.

The next session was taken by Dr. Madhu Mehta on the "Challenges of the Techno-Entrepreneurship Journey." He used slides extensively to illustrate what people think and then he would share his personal experiences and his take on things. His insight and practicality was particularly interesting.
Few of the things he put differently were:
- "There is Business and there are Entrepreneurial Ventures"
- "Me last attitude" expected from an Entrepreneur
(Some of this may make sense only in the context they were made)

Next session of the day was again taken by Madhu Bhai and was on "Appreciating, Analysing and Generating Ideas". Here he made us think and look at things differently. One of the points he made was first assuming there exists a solution and then think of the solution. In this way one can leverage the full potential of the human mind by negating human tendency.

Next up was a session by Prof. B. H Jajoo on "Innovation Drivers in IT." I must say this man is in love with his gadgets. He showed us everything from small USB drives, cool LED displays, latest PDAs, flexible keyboards for PDAs, USB HDD with media codecs and a small compass box sized linux box for multimedia (recordings, playing movies and music etc.). Did I miss something ? LoL. Look liked he owned most of it and was showing us things one by on like a magician popping up things from his hat.

Then we had a brief overview of "Elements of Business Plan" by Mr. K. Thyagrajan and Madhu Bhai. One of the things he stated differently from the more well-known belief was that a business plan is first for the entrepreneur and then for others. The premise of this statement was that an entrepreneur should work on his business plan first to think about all aspects throughly and internalize the venture. Later, he can adapt it to VC needs.

Later, we formed groups and discussed a case study of Homestead ( a company which is out to create website for everyone and affect the lives of many in a positive way. It was really interesting to know about Homestead and its "Employees come first" culture. I believe building such an ecosystem is the trademark of an "Built to Last" company.

The last session was an informal meet with Kaushal Mehta, founder of Motif India a BPO startup. I did have an small interesting discussion with him about how he planned his entreprenurial journey and its much different then what I have/would like to do. (Would share it if I take out some time.)

Overall, I feel the first day is making me feel I have done the right thing by attending this program. I met people from diverse backgrounds, currently sharing my room with an interesting chap named Yatish from IISc (Sree u reading this?), met people who are facing problems with their startups and issues they haven't thought of before, read case studies and met incubates at NirmaLabs.

Now, all I can say is I would be making an effort of trying to sleep but I have no clue when I would really sleep.


I did end my post here but the day was still not over and so much more happened before I slept. Yatish and me discussed everything from things that interest us to, creativity, imagination, product design, education, programming, quest to learn, entrepreneurship, cultural ethos of an organization, ideas, entrepreneurship and life in general. We must have wished eachother goodnight for atleast 3 times in between but then again continued to share our views. It was only after 4am that we slept.

Journey from Mumbai to Ahmedabad and Entrepreneurship in all spheres

The train Journey from Mumbai to Ahmedabad was indeed an interesting one. I am mostly not the one who initiates a conversation with co-travelers and it was the case again. Though, I am not averse to others initiating a conversation. I quite like it.

The lady next to me had boarded the train from Borivali. She had swapped seats with lady initially so that she and her husband could sit together. This guju couple offered me some chikis and chips also the usual whats ur name, what do you do and where are you heading stuff. When the couple got off the train at Baroda it was the lady back again at my side. The lady had over heard our conversation and so was interested in knowing where I was heading. Later on we discussed everything from NGOs, traveling, social entrepreneurship, books, cities and people. This lady I am talking about is Dipti Dhebar. She has been working with an NGO named Pratham Gujarat Initiative ( From what I learnt Pratham focuses on education for the underprivileged and organizes balwadi for children aged 4 - 14 years. They have a curriculum of their own which she says is practical and more focussed on making the students literate. Pratham had a team of around 50 which decides the curriculum and topics included. Pratham followed a franchise model to reach the masses. She said that the franchisee model has worked wonders for Pratham.

I also shared with her some initiatives like Kshana(with which I have been involved) [] and Toybank [] with which some of my friends have been associated with and have been successes. I shared the essence of these organization which she found to be novel and interesting. Even she aimed at starting an organisation on her own in years to come. Social entrepreneurship is sure to catch up soon in India and become big as in the West.

She also invited me to one of the Balwadi's and we exchanged numbers too. She did ask me to call her for any help I need while I am in Ahmedabad. We got into an rickshaw together as her place was somewhere in between Ahmedabad station and Nirma University campus. She also asked me to SMS her once I reach the Univesity Campus safely. Don't people like her reinforce the faith in existence of humanity on earth?

Did I tell you there was burning smell all over in the compartment somewhere between Baroda and Ahmedabad and for which train was delayed by 20 minutes? Incidentally there was smoke seen in C3 compartment (I was in C1).

Wasn't it an interesting journey?