LuCkY – no time for studies [my luckiest day]

Today was the luckiest day in my life... [read more to knw y?]

Riyaz called me in the morning and asked whether I was free and would like to see Lucky. Though I had decided that I would study today and start the web-tech project being a Salman Khan fan I accepted. He called in sometime and confirmed the booking of tickets in 24Karat for the 3'O Clock. I did study for a hour or so and then had lunch. Reached the theatre just on time. Riyaz and his senior from the same college were waiting. I had paarked my Kinetic outside the theatre like I have been doing for all the times I have been to 24K. We stood there outside waiting for Riyaz's another frnd who was his junior. Even he arrived in sometime and we got in. Didnt miss the start of the story except the start of the first song "Lucky Lips".

The movie was good. I liked it, especially Salman Khan hes got his composure back. A sure watch for the Salman Khan fans.

After the movie got over my Luck began to shine...

My Kinetic got pickd up:
When we came out of the theatre we were making plans hanging out somewhere since we had 2 bikes. But then outside my Kinetic was missing. I was shocked bcoz it wasnt No Parking but Parking at owners risk. So I never thoguht that the traffic police wud hav pickd it up. For a second I thought that someone robbed it. But then we saw the chalk marking which tell you the vehicle no and the location from where we could pick the vehicle from. Riyaz got his Sumo and we all went to Andheri to get my Kinetic back. They fined me 200 bucks which was a lot.
Here I was lucky bcoz "They had taken it to Andheri and not somewhere far away. "

Then I did park it at Andheri PayNPark near the station and then went around the town with Riyaz in his Sumo.

Petrol got over:
While returing Riyaz left me near Andheri Flyover from where I pickd up my kinetic and headed towards goregaon. Did a brief stop at jogeshwari to return Riyaz's helmet which I was wearing jst to aaviod giving anymore fines. I did have some work near Patkar college so I decided to compelte it even though it was 9:45pm or so. Now on my way the petrol got over. Thought this never happend before with me [actually this day was spl bcoz nothing of this had happnd wid me before like getiing fined and all (ti had happnd wid my bro more than once)] now I had to get some petrol from somewhere. I removed this bottle which is always present in the front basket and started walking. The colosest petrol pump was 10-15 mins away.
Here I was lucky bcoz "The petrol pump was jst 15 mins aways and I had this bottle wid me."

Burnt my bedsheet:
When I did come home I had to recieve this shouting frm my parents that I sud hav called and all ... bt actually I was in no mood to do so bcoz all this had happnd. When I told them wat all had happnd even they got a lil soft.. jst a lil haa ! But then my mom started shouting on my bcoz I had kept the iron ON and thus had burnt the bedsheet. At this pint I closed my ears. I coudnt hear all this.
Here I was lucky bcoz "No fire broke out...! "

Bed collapsed:
I have this foldable bed which I sleep on. I like it bcoz one its desingd my by bro and the other that I easily fit on it. In summer I hav this habbit of pulin it under the fan and then sleeping. I did the same and switchd the lights OFF and went to sleep. Within seconds I was on the ground with a louud bang. I was motionless for a 15-20 seconds and trying to come to my senes about wat all was happeing wid me that very day.
Here I was lucky bcoz "No one woke up and I was not hurt in anyway."

6 Replies to “LuCkY – no time for studies [my luckiest day]”

  1. this is what u call gr8 LUCK! guess u thoroughly enjoyed the experience! dont u wanna watch LUCKY again?????????????lol

  2. ya it was fun. especially bcoz it hadnt happend before and that by the end of the day i felt close to GOD … lol … bcoz i knew he was playing pranks wid me.

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